Chrome App Launcher

Chrome App Launcher

Google Inc.
Verzija 1.0
Zajamčena Sigurnost
Zajamčena Sigurnost
Izbor urednika: Chrome App Launcher 1.0

You got to love Google. The moment they see Microsoft users are angry on the removal of the “Start” button, they bring something like that back (before Microsoft are able to release their Windows 8.1 with the fix), and appear as a faster smarter company.
The add on itself is
not of a great use to most of the users, but for the Google groupies out there, it allows a quick access to many apps that they use, including Gmail, Calendar, Maps etc.
Most users might be disappointed to see that Gmail and other apps are not there yet, well you have to first add them from Google Chrome Web Store (these are the apps you see when you open a blank tab in Google Chrome).

Pristupa Vašim Google aplikacijama s Vaše zadatkovne trake

Do you now depend on Google’s cutting edge tools to get your work done and communicate effectively with remote employees? Google Chrome App Launcher will help you enter all of your Chrome applications from your desktop using a small icon that is placed on your task bar.
Chrome Launch App will have all of your most often used Google Apps on it, one click will get you into Gmail, Calendar, google Maps and all of the other tools they have. You’ll also be able to easily change your Google Chrome settings, go to the Chrome Webstore, alter your proxy settings, change the displayed language and determine where you want downloaded files to go.

Astro kaže:

  • Jednim klikom do aplikacije koju želite
  • Pristup web aplikacijama
  • Što god Google proizvede prvo instaliramo i tek potom postavljamo pitanja
  • Zadani launcher sadrži premalo prečaca
  • Bilo tko može napraviti sličan brzi link izbornik s postojećim alatima
Chrome App Launcher
Chrome App Launcher
Google Inc.
Verzija 1.0
Zajamčena Sigurnost
Usporedba alternativnih programa:
Alternative programu Chrome App Launcher - Usporedba softverskih programa:
Ime Aplikacije
Veličina datoteke
Stvara neograničen broj pod-datoteka za programe i stavke
2.2K Preuzimanjima
3.70 MB

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