Color Cop

Color Cop

Jay Prall
Verzija 5.4
0.31 MB
Zajamčena Sigurnost
Zajamčena Sigurnost
Pronalazi i koristi boje za uporabu na web dizajnima

Get just the right shade of blue for your web design project with Color Cop. This functional programmer’s tool lets you find and use colour codes for use in web design and visual programming. Make use of the program’s eyedropper to pick out your favourite shades. Zoom in with just a roll of your mouse wheel to choose the colour of a single pixel, or a sampling or either 3×3 or 5×5 pixels. Color Cop also has a host of built in features to make using the colour easier. Choose from multiple code standards; HTML hexadecimal, Delphi hexadecimal, Powerbuilder, Visual Basic, Clarion and Visual C++. It will keep track of the last seven colours that you have chosen, and create a palette of 42 complementary colours for each current selection. Set Color Cop to automatically send your chosen code to the clipboard, making your design a quick and seamless process. Not all colours will be available to the common web browser either, so a WebSafe feature will check for you, and find the nearest colour that works. It can also give you the reverse colour, or just a random selection. The program minimises to the system tray to stay out of your way when you don’t need it.

Astro kaže:

  • Efikasno detektira boje web-stranica
  • Više načina
  • Neintuitivno sučelje
  • Vrlo bazične značajke
Color Cop
Color Cop
Jay Prall
Verzija 5.4
0.31 MB
Zajamčena Sigurnost

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