Magic Camera

Magic Camera

Verzija 8.9.5
Besplatna proba
16.50 MB
Zajamčena Sigurnost
Zajamčena Sigurnost
Magic Camera je odličan za chatove i live video prijenose; koristi se mnogim specijalnim efektima

Magic camera is a shareware tool that helps in the addition of a number of effects and overlaps your webcam feed, saved pictures and videos and screen capture windows. It is a free to try application and is very simple to use. With the help of Magic camera amazing webcam effects can be added to the video chats of users with just a click.
Files can be streamed and broadcasted on websites just like a real webcam feed. It ensures the security of your videos in chat rooms and adds cool effects to the videos of the users. Magic Camera is an all purpose tool that is developed to accentuate your webcam with over a thousand webcam effects. A virtual webcam is added which allows you to play files, video effects, video chats such as Live messenger or Skype.
Magic Camera is a great tool for chats and live broadcasting of videos. The webcam effects that the Magic Camera supports are: funny photo frames, face tracking and mask effects, pop up flash/GIF animations and emotions on various webcam videos, painting and typing the texts directly on the webcams, the webcam video overlay, pictures in pictures and the real time webcam backgrounds.

Astro kaže:

  • Uključena virtualna web kamera
  • Raznolikost dizajna
  • Neobično sučelje
  • Neatraktivne grafike
  • Ograničena funkcionalnost testne verzije
Magic Camera
Magic Camera
Verzija 8.9.5
Besplatna proba
16.50 MB
Zajamčena Sigurnost
Usporedba alternativnih programa:
Alternative programu Magic Camera - Usporedba softverskih programa:
Ime Aplikacije
Veličina datoteke
Dodaje specijalne efekte na online pozive s web kamerama
18K Preuzimanjima
24.90 MB
Web kamera koja se može koristiti i kao sigurnosna kamera
6.1K Preuzimanjima
11.64 MB
Softver koji optimizira Vašu web kameru
1.3K Preuzimanjima
6.03 MB
Učinite da vaša web kamera čini zabavne stvari: ekstra audio, video i još više.
804 Preuzimanjima
9.32 MB
Web kamera koja radi na računalu
2K Preuzimanjima
4.00 MB
Optimizira Vaše web i vanjske kamere spojene na Vašem računalu
923 Preuzimanjima
2.19 MB
Softver za web kamere s efektima i multimedijskim dodatcima
8.8K Preuzimanjima
303.00 MB

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