Apple Safari for Mac

Apple Safari for Mac

Apple Inc.
Verzija 8.0.6
65.84 MB
Zajamčena Sigurnost
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Izbor urednika: Apple Safari for Mac 8.0.6

Apple Safari for Mac is an excellent and highly reliable lightweight Browser that can easily handle a lot of tasks including protecting your privacy. Safari is still one of the most powerful, easy to use web browser available on Mac and it clearly leads the pack when it comes to Web browsers on Mac PC. Safari is very responsive and loads websites as quick as possible depending on how fast your internet connection is. Even when the internet connection is not that great, you can still be certain that the site comes up relatively in a timely manner unlike other Web browsers. Apple Safari is definitely a good one. Another exciting feature of Safari for Mac is how fast it clears your cookies as well as your browsing histories. This helps to protect your data, traffic, and Internet activities online.
Apple Safari for Mac includes a Share button feature that allows you to connect with your social media profiles so that you can stay in touch with the live feeds of those you are following on Twitter or people you are friends with on Facebook.

Simple, efficient web browser on Mac OS

The most efficient browser for any PC user is the pre-installed browser that comes with their system. Apple Safari web browser comes with OS X El Capitan. Known for its intuitive usability, Safari is Apple’s lightweight, sleek, and remarkably fast Internet browser. The browser initializes in less than two seconds and even takes less time to click through links on the same site. The most notable browsing feature of Safari is the Reader button on the right side of the search bar. It allows you to cut all the advertisements and visual distractions in an article and just read through. Safari for Mac offers fluid Web browsing experience with sites becoming more responsive and your Mac’s battery lasts longer between charges. Apple Safari easily handles all your online tasks and activities without a glitch. It houses a third blocking tool that guarantees your privacy and gives you the power to block any unwanted content. It also provides users with full security for your online data like usernames, passwords, etc. There is the Private browsing option that makes sure nobody is monitoring your online activities.
Although Apple Safari for Mac has a lot of useful tools to give all users a befitting online experience, it does not allow stand-alone upgrade because it is integrated into your device OS. This means you can only upgrade it when you have an upgrade for your computer, thereby limiting the chance of some Mac users to enjoy the latest version of Safari available. All in all, the pros outweigh the cons, making Safari for any recommendable for all Mac users.

Apple Safari for Mac
Apple Safari for Mac
Apple Inc.
Verzija 8.0.6
65.84 MB
Zajamčena Sigurnost

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